Saturday, October 9, 2010


Chicago, here we are!

We just can not travel without some sort of mishap.
I was running behind on the packing and all, but managed to have it all together (or mostly!) when Mike got home from work. The camper was already full of foods, except for loading the refridgerator. It has been Scott and Britt home for the past week, so Britt had gotten it ready to go and we were not far off the mark for our est. time of departure!

I rode with Britt and the youngest grandson, following Mike, who had Scott and the other 9 kids. Following Mike through Chicago traffic was horrendous, watching the camper sway and switch lanes in and out. I have never followed behind it before, and I was a bundle of nerves, thinking of the "what if's." Of course, Mike was confident in his driving, and after all, we did make it. I was just a bundle of nerves. Have I ever said I like driving into Chicago???

After we had a delicious dinner half way here, we were in the dark and the traffic. It seemed like we would never get here, and I kept encouraging Britt to stay close to, don't let anyone between you and Mike! So, following so closely, we inadvertently followed him into a "NO CASH" lane at a toll booth. As soon as Mike pulled the big rig through the lane, we realized we were stuck!! You see, Mike has an IPass and Britt does not. We pushed the "help" button, yellow lights start flashing and an angry attendants' voice shouts over the intercom system..."How can I help you?" We could tell by her tone she was not wanting to help anyone! The flashing lights were blinding, and we felt like every flash of the lights were calling out to everyone on the toll road, "Look!! These dummies went in the wrong lane!!"

The attendant tells us to try swiping our debit card. Nope, that was not set up. I volunteered cash and would even step out of the car to hand the cash directly to her! Nope, that was not possible (for me or her?). So, finally she said they would bill me. I gave her my home address, my phone number and my license plate number. When we pulled away, we noticed we were going to be billed for a $1.50 toll fee. I wonder what the paperwork charge will be??

By the time we got to the campsite, they were just locking their gated community. Whew, just in the nick of time!! We pulled in, started to unload while Scott and Britt headed to their cabin. Did I mention that Scott has had a stomach issue for the last few days, with yesterday being the worst by far? When they got to their cabin it was FULL of stink bugs. Keegan (3) would not walk through the door!! Plan B is in motion: all 14 of us would stay in the camper together! We were so tired by this time, I think we could have slept on the ground!

By 8 this morning, yesterday was just a memory, and the rest of the day panned out as planned. No one got hurt, no one is missing, and Scott and Britt have been able to spend the day in Chi town today, just like planned. We have had a wonderful day with all 3 of the grandkids. It's dusk here, Mike is making beds and finishing bathtime. We expect Scott and Britt to roll in about 10 pm, and hopefully, everyone here will be settled and snoring. Britt has to be back in town by 6 am tomorrow, ready to run her first 26.5 mile marathon!!

It's been busy, exciting, stressful, and adventurous. You just couldn't ask for a better weekend camping trip to end our summer of fun. When we are packing up the camper next week, this, too, is another memory to add to the books for 2010.

It's been a great season.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Faith, really enjoyed your Chicago story and laughed alot...sorry, but it WAS funny! :-) The new look on your blog is pretty with the FAITH sign. Love it! Thank you for sharing.