Monday, July 12, 2010

A Full Cup

We got home yesterday from another weekend camping trip. This was our second trip this summer with my parents and my younger brother and his family. It's always alot of cooking, alot of eating, and TONS of laughing!! My dad can be quite witty, and my brother never stops - he is constant jokes, puns, songs, smiles, and laughter. He keeps the ball rolling all weekend. Precious times.

Today I was able to drop 4 kids off at Vacation Bible School at a church where they have attended VBS for the last few years. They are creative with their props and everyone seems to get into the spirit of the event. My kids love it. It felt strange to leave the four of them and realize they had 3 hours without me there, and they were perfectly fine with it. They are all seasoned scholars now, having school day experiences behind them, and they were even thrilled to have classes with some of their previous school mates today. They were all smiles when I picked them up.

Our local elementary school is providing free lunches this summer for children. The kids thought that was pretty awesome today, so we plan to go tomorrow too. It's plenty of food, but I was hesitant at first that I shouldn't partake. We don't NEED to go for a free lunch, and I didn't want to take from someone who needed it. The staff assured me it was open to everyone, and if they didn't use it, the grant would not be available next time. It was nice to see others from the community, and visit while we ate our sack lunches. After lunch, my cousin and her kids stayed to play on the school playground with us. Then I brought her 2 home to play while she went to her college class. I don't think the kids wanted their fun day to end.

At supper time we got a call from our friend. He and his 3 kids were looking for someone to hang out with tonight, so I asked them to join us for supper. It turned into a fun evening with all ten of our combined children playing hide and seek and then catching fireflies once it was near dark. The kids were so tired from all the running and playing with their friends tonight that they dropped into bed without a fuss. It reminded me several times of the days when I was young, and then the later on years when my older children were youngsters, of playing out in the yard, and running around with the cousins. It brought back special memories for me, and I love the fact that the new generation of children are making their own memories.

It's been a full day. I have more painting projects to finish, but I wouldn't trade the times I had today for anything in the world. Time with family and friends are what makes my day complete, or as a friend says, "Fills my cup." I am full to overflowing tonight, and that is a wonderful feeling to fall asleep on.

I hope each of my friends and family have their cups full tonight, and memories to dream of as they sleep. Goodnight to you all.

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